
Last updated 12 Sept 2024. 

North, Central and South East Region AgForce members will receive an email from TrueVote to vote for their Regional Director. The nominees up for election can be found below. 

TrueVote will run the ballot process which will open on 10 September 2024 and close on 1 October 2024.

Members will need to look out for an email from TrueVote in their inbox and check spam folder. The email will come from this email address no-reply@truevote, and a sample of the email is available here.

Those without emails will receive a letter with a QR code to scan with their phone to vote. 

All votes submitted through TrueVote are anonymous and secure.

If you do not receive an email, please contact AgForce on 3236 3100. 



Central Qld Regional Director 


John Baker

 John Baker's statement

I have been the CQ Regional President and CQ Director on the AgForce Board for the past 8 years. I own and operate a beef breeding and finishing operation in the Middlemount District along with my wife Marni and children.  

During this time as CQ Regional Director and President I have been a member of several AgForce committees and taskforces including Finance Risk and Audit, Belmont Management, Transport and Reef.  I have represented AgForce and the membership of CQ at various meetings such as Parliamentary Inquiries into Rent review, Reef Regulations, Vegetation Management, Local Government rate payer meetings, as well as representations to Federal, State and Local Gov Politicians, LRTAQ on Road Train Access to Rockhampton abattoirs, as well as National Farmers Federation to discuss issues impacting members in the region and also across the state.  One such issue under my leadership that AgForce CQ successfully and strongly advocated against, was the compulsory acquisition of properties for the Shoalwater Bay expansion.  Another the 2023 Carnarvon / Rolleston Bushfires where mismanagement of National Parks created excessive fuel loads, I have led a strong advocacy campaign that has seen an inquiry established. The Central Highlands Regional Council Agritourism Local Law proposal was abandoned because of our efforts, much to the delight of those who were going to be impacted. 

A lot of these issues have been very frustrating for the membership, AgForce and me personally. I have always supported the AgForce approach of trying to balance what we as Producers and Landholders would like to see happen, against what is possible given the Political climate where we are faced with the reality of dealing with often unsympathetic Governments, as well as Local, State, Federal and International laws that Govern our everyday lives.

As a member of the AgForce Board we have achieved a lot over the last 8 years that I have been involved, some very notable achievements include the legal challenge between AgForce QLD and  the Federal Government to save the Great Artesian Basin from having Liquid CO2 being dumped into it, ( this is not over yet as we need the Federal Government to legislate to protect it). There have been many other wins, many never heard of because AgForce was involved behind the scenes and able to prevent what could have had serious implications. As a member of the Board I strongly represent Central Qld member interests but also take on a state focus when making decisions at the Board Level.  

I have been involved along with the rest of the Board and CEO, in implementing many changes to the internal structure of AgForce that have streamlined and modernised the way business is done. Covid was obviously a huge impost to the Organisation, which drove the Board to deep dive into how AgForce operates.  An initiative that I have been strongly involved in is a major review of the AgForce communications, we continue to ensure that the way AgForce communicates with the Membership, the Urban Community, and other stakeholders is modern and effective, a constant challenge in the ever evolving world of technology and the demise of print media. 

 There are many issues facing us as Producers, and that I will ensure AgForce remain abreast of, these include: EU Deforestation Regulations, Rapid expansion of Renewable Energy projects and REZ, Carbon Policies, Methane,  Live Export, Reef Regulations, Biosecurity threats including FMD, LSD, worsening weed and feral animal impacts, and ever increasing Government regulation.

It is a privilege to serve members as Regional Director and President. I have always had a great working relationship with our Regional Manager and the other members of the CQ Regional Council and over the past 8 years we have grown the membership considerably.  If elected again as CQ Regional Director I will continue to bring regional issues to the table of the AgForce Board, communicate CQ’s valuable commodities and issues effectively and assist the organisation to continue to grow the membership.  


David Hill

 David Hill's statement 

I am seeking the support of the Central Queensland members of AgForce for the role of Regional Director.

As someone who has had 6 years of experience as the northern independent director on the Cattle Council of Australia (CCA) Board, I believe what prepared me for this role on the board was the experience representing beef producers on external committees such the MSA Taskforce, Australian Meat Industry Language and Standards Committee, SafeMeat Initiative Review and the Beef Industry White Paper prior to nominating for a board position when the opportunity arose. What I learnt from those experiences was the value of collaboration by finding common ground, making sure to gain the most information you could and always act with integrity.

My time at CCA also included representation on the Market, Market Affairs and Trade Committee, Industry Systems and Food Safety Committee (including the role of Chair) as well as vice Chair CCA Consultative Committee. Since that time, I have remained involved in the areas of market access, sustainability, value based pricing and biosecurity at a Cattle Australia and AgForce level.

As I have previously, stated my values are collaboration, integrity and network development. My other takeaway has been the value of good governance, which I believe can be described along the line of being accountable and transparent. One of the things that I have found enjoyable is getting to know and understand the challenges of those that represent the other commodities of AgForce. To see the issues of biosecurity, sustainability/environment, market access and land management/vegetation regulation among others, continue to be universally seen as high priorities, is no surprise.

My belief is that one of the strengths of AgForce is the common ground of the different commodities. The fact that those engaged in the production of those commodities in our state would easily be considered as world leaders in their own right. When you consider the natural climate variability, cost of production/regulation and demonstrating environmental credentials, we have much to be proud of!

I would ask for your support in my nomination to be your regional director, to allow me the opportunity to continue the work of AgForce, utilizing the skills that my previous experience has given me.  

South East Qld Regional Director


Belinda Callanan

Belinda Callanan's statement

My family and I live on a property west of Nobby, where we run a cattle breeding and backgrounding operation, selling directly to feedlots or through the Warwick and Dalby saleyards. Alongside my husband Ted and our 15-year-old son Jack, we are deeply involved in our farming enterprise.

My long-standing association with AgForce began as a young member representative in 2000/01 and I soon became the AgForce Emerald Branch Secretary. In 2017 I became an active member of the AgForce
Queensland Biosecurity Committee and I am currently serving as Chair of this committee in addition to being an AgForce South-East Regional Councillor, having previously served as the AgForce South- East Queensland President from 2020 to 2022.

Under my leadership, the membership grew by 450 members to a total of 1,650 members across the region and I worked closely with the outgoing South-East Queensland Regional Director Kelly Ostwald, to ensure our regional concerns were addressed at Board level. I maintained great working relationships with the Regional Manager and Council, along with the board and senior management.

I hold Advanced Diplomas in Agribusiness Management and Conservation and Land Management, a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, and a Diploma in Agriculture and I am the Founder and Director of TH9 Outdoor Services, a consultancy specialising in biosecurity. For the past 15 years, my company has provided biosecurity consultancy and training to government agencies, mining, gas, civil construction, and agriculture sectors. This role allows me to travel extensively, gaining insights into the diverse challenges faced by producers across various regions.

My passion for the industry and commitment to AgForce is further demonstrated through additional representative roles, including as a committee member of the National Farmers Federation Farming Systems Committee since 2018, QIPAC (QLD Invasive Plants and Animals Committee), BQMAC (Biosecurity QLD Ministerial Advisory Council) and as an AgForce South-East representative on the
Dalby Saleyards Reference Group.

I have been actively involved in media discussions regarding regional issues over the years and my advocacy during the severe drought of 2018-2019 and the numerous floods affecting the region between 2020 and 2022 involved engaging with key government officials, politicians, and media outlets to highlight the critical challenges faced by regional producers and the necessary recovery measures. I have consistently advocated for regional issues, including CSG subsidence, renewable energy expansion, saleyard closures, sunflower biosecurity, spray drift management, water bore issues, border restrictions, drought and flood impacts, tick outbreaks, farm invasions, theft, invasive plant and animal issues including Red imported fire ants, telecommunication connectivity, reef regulations and poor road network maintenance.

I am committed to strengthening our member-focused organization, effectively communicating our members’ needs, and growing our membership across all commodities and it would be a privilege to serve as the South-East Regional Director of AgForce. If elected, I will ensure that the Region’s issues are well-represented on the AgForce Queensland Farmers Board.


Rebecca Lindert

Rebecca Lindert's statement 

Rebecca Lindert is a dedicated agricultural professional and owner of a family farming operation, with extensive experience in agronomy, business management, and strategic advisory roles across a wide range of agricultural sectors. Her hands-on experience spans cotton, broadacre farming, livestock, and horticulture, providing her with a comprehensive understanding of the agricultural supply chain. Rebecca has successfully led complex projects that integrate field management with global market strategies, driving innovation, sustainability, and profitability across diverse agricultural enterprises.

Her commitment to advancing Queensland’s agricultural industry is further demonstrated through active participation in key industry groups, including the AgForce Market Access Coordination Group and the Agricultural, Horticultural, and Land Conservation Industry Skills Advisors Reference Group with QFF. These roles underscore her expertise in governance, financial literacy, and her ability to navigate the complexities of modern agriculture, ensuring that all sectors—from grains to livestock and beyond—are represented and supported. Rebecca’s leadership is grounded in practical experience and a forward-thinking approach, which has consistently delivered positive outcomes for the agricultural community.

Rebecca is nominating for the South-East Queensland Director position to bring her enthusiasm for the agricultural industry, coupled with her deep understanding of governance and financial management. Known for her collaborative approach and innovative thinking, she is committed to supporting the diversification and sustainability of Queensland’s farming communities and believes her experience and passion align well with AgForce’s mission. Rebecca is eager to contribute her skills and insights to the Board, ensuring a prosperous future for all sectors of the Queensland agricultural industry.


North Qld Regional Director


Jane McMillan

Jane McMillan's statement

I am involved in the beef industry and work and live in our family business across North West Queensland and Northern Territory.

Currently I am a director on the AgForce Cattle Board and would like to continue and see an opportunity in being part of the General Board of AgForce .

My current and previous rolls have strengthened my ability to provide direction, be focused, efficient and economical while being accountable and have a strong understanding of risk and compliance, business management and ability to be flexible as being important in todays ever changing environments.

My investment in the agriculture industry is demonstrated through engaging in and investing in the next generation to agriculture and keeping myself connected and educated on new technologies and advancements across industry. It is important to contribute a strong voice that has close representation of peak bodies within industry that forge strong connections, influence people and create a lasting impact through insight, ideas and strategies .

I currently hold the following positions:-

  • Executive Director McMillan Pastoral Company
  • Councillor - Cloncurry Shire Council
  • Director of Southern Gulf NRM
  • Director AgForce Cattle Board
  • Member of the Virtual Emergency Department of Clinical Governance Committee
  • Member of the Stock Route Management Working Group Committee


Michael Penna

Michael Penna's statement

Hi, my name is Michael Penna, I am a third generation Primary Producer in Australia, and I am running for the position of North Reginal Director. I am born and bred in the North, completing my schooling at an Agriculture College. I then undertook a Trade before joining the family farming business. I have owned and run a mixed irrigated farm for over 30 years, located north of Charters Towers. This involved growing Potatoes, Hay, a multitude of Grains and managing livestock including Cattle and Sheep. 

I am currently farming Sugar Cane in the Herbert district and enjoy engaging in the complex and ever-changing nature of cane farming. I have held positions on numerous committees and boards such as AUS VEG, Landcare, and QLD/NSW Crisping growers, to name a few. Currently involved in AgForce Cane Ltd, Biosecurity, and AgCarE committees as the cane representative for the last couple of years.

Most importantly I am passionate about increasing the value and profile of agriculture for the future of our farmers. I aim to advocate for members and fellow farmers, building trust to ensure the best interests of our members are always at heart. I am confident with my knowledge and experience of all the AgForce commodities I would be of value to the Main board as North Director.