
28 November 2023.

Many landholders are not aware that tyres cannot be disposed of in on-farm dumps as they are considered a ‘regulated waste’ under the Environmental Protection Act 1994, whilst on-farm pits are limited to ‘general waste’.  

Landowners incur clean costs resulting from tyres unlawfully dumped on their land, while poorly managed stockpiles can pose catastrophic fire risks, pest and vermin problems (including mosquitos) and waterway contamination. We all have an obligation to ensure our own actions do not harm our communities or environment.

Tyres can be kept on-farm when able to be stored safely (i.e. in a shed) but they must be taken to a suitable facility (i.e. waste transfer station, certain tyre shops) to be disposed of.

To find out more please see the link below:

Management of End-of-Life Tyres (Waste Tyres)