
15 December 2020

AgForce CEO Michael Guerin, QLD Deputy Premier Steven Miles MP and AgForce General President Georgie SomersetFor the first time in more than four years, AgForce has met with Queensland MP Steven Miles, now Queensland’s Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning. 

AgForce General President Georgie Somerset and AgForce CEO Michael Guerin had a chance to advocate for your organisation and agriculture to lead the State’s post-COVID recovery efforts directly with the Deputy Premier.

This meeting was the result of AgForce’s continued efforts to engage swiftly with key ministers on all sides of Government since the State election at the end of October.

Our strong, well-considered policy platform Strong Regions for a Strong Queensland and issues-based advocacy throughout the election campaign has earnt our industry and your organisation the opportunity of a seat at the table in representing us all collectively to the new State Government.

As AgForce members, you already know the positive contribution our industry can play in Queensland’s future environmentally, socially, and economically, and we look forward to continuing in our efforts to shape the Government’s policy development work throughout 2021.